
Thursday, August 4, 2016

Mockingbird Karma: The Beginning Of The Story

This will be, I hope, the last website or blog that I ever start. Why would I say that? Well, it’s like this. I believe that many of the websites I’ve created came from a place of searching for something more than I was or more than I had. Now, today, I am embarking on a journey, or maybe better yet, I am working to initiate a metamorphosis from the person I’ve been, to the person I want to be; a person of peace and simplicity.

Over the past five or so years I’ve been reading about different approaches to attaining peace in life, different pathways to simplicity. I’ve learned a lot, but practiced little. I’m basically not much further along than I was some time ago. Except for one thing: I’ve got some knowledge. And now I need to act on it, with it, to it, for it!

If I’m looking for a simple life, why am I writing a blog, creating yet another website? Because when I think about my purpose in life, the meaning of my journey, when I look into the future where I am at peace, loving a simple life, enjoying the fruits of my transformative efforts, I still seek a more meaningful purpose. Perhaps I will give that up at some point. But for now, it occurs to me that if I were to spend the rest of my days in the pursuit, attainment, and enjoyment of a simple, peaceful life, the best purpose to which I could apply that would be to have shared the journey, the changes, the work, the ups and downs, with others who might be seeking input or guidance, or just company, in their own efforts to transcend the complex, contentious lives that we seem to be born into.

Even as I write this, fleeting dreams of website fame and glory shed a bright light on just how far I’ve got to go, how much work I’ve got ahead of me. If this works right, then I will be writing here, and posting pictures or videos here, as often as possible... of every scrap and iota of information about my 'work' and what it means to me, or what I think it means. Every possible experience or feeling that I think might be appropriate (or maybe not), and helpful, I’m going to do my best to share it here.

I’ve thought long and hard about how much to share about who I am, as to identity. In respect to my family and others, I’m just not sure it’s the right thing to share all that. At least, not just yet. So for now I’m going to leave that out of this. Also, I want this to be about the work and the journey and the results, not about me.

Right now I’m 52. I’m a little overweight. I’m working in a career I don’t believe in, making more money than I sometimes feel I’m worth. I’m thankful for it, believe me. I’m working in a job that I’m not really thrilled with, and with some people I like and some I can’t stand. I have anger issues. I have emotional issues. I’m seeing a shrink. I have abandonment issues. I don’t eat right. I drink just a little. I don’t smoke, thank God. I don’t take illegal drugs, thank God. I don’t abuse prescription drugs. I do take an ‘as needed’ anxiety reduction pill. Super low dosage, for reasons I’ll go into another time.

I'm starting today, a new day, every day a new day, to make the changes that are each only a heartbeat away. I'm making those changes so I can be in the moment, so I can be at peace, and so I can live simply.

Love to you, love to all.

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