
Friday, August 5, 2016

Mockingbird Karma: Waking Up Happy... Or Not?

I woke up this morning and, like most mornings, I lay in bed for a while in the dark, thinking. As my thoughts drifted around, they ended up at my day job. And I found myself thinking about someone there, and thinking they were a so-and-so. This is not a good thought pattern. Thinking ill of people just doesn’t help anything. Better to think of what they may be like, and to separate that from actions or decisions they make? I think so.

So I corrected myself gently, and turned my thoughts to the many blessings in my life. It worked better to put myself in a grateful mindset. So instead of dwelling on my job, and getting worked up into a negative mental state, I thought about life and blessings and gratitude for a little while.

I don’t always catch myself in time like this. Many mornings I wake up thinking negative thoughts, and they usually run away with me until I am angry or depressed or anxious. This is just another area where I have lots of work to do. At least these days, I have some information in my head that helps me see the difference.

How did you wake up this morning? Did you wake up happy? Do you struggle with negativity in the morning too? What do you do about it?

Love to you, love to all.

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